Friday, October 17, 2008

Drug test home remedies

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Some facts about popular home remedies for passing a drug test

There are a lot of tips for passing a drug test and a lot of MYTHS you can ever hear . The truth about popularized "home remedies" broadcasted all over the net. Don't waste your time with rumored "Home Remedies to Pass Drug Tests" that you heard on the street or from your friends. The Labs are too smart now!

Be careful! Because if you rely on these useless, outdated techniques you can lose your job because you can failed your drug test! Most people need help when picking a detox products, since everything you need to clean your system isn't exactly lying around your house, home remedies are a thing of the past .

About home remedies for removing TCH out of your system.

THC is fat soluble, and it gets stored in your fat cells. Cleaning it out of your lipid tissue is very difficult. Many herbal products claim to clean out your system, yet they do nothing to remove THC by home remedies from fat cells. Unfortunately, this rumor will not die. The only ways to extract THC from fat cells is to exercise and take a detoxifying product with fat burning effect. You may be able to temporarily clean THC metabolites from your bloodstream, or dilute your fluids to yield a larger urine/THC ratio, but your bloodstream will continue collecting THC metabolites from fat. Your urine will continue collecting THC metabolites from your bloodstream.

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