Sunday, September 21, 2008

passing your drug test

How to pass a drug test
Drug test infromation

How to Prepare for a Marijuana Drug Test
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Class 101
How to Prepare for a Marijuana Drug Test - Most people taking a drug test are concerned with marijuana because it stays in the body the longest. This is because the body stores the drug metabolite in the fat cells of the body. The short term and long term approach to cleaning the body for a marijuana drug test are exactly opposite. Day 0 - 2 before the test- Stop smoking, eat large meals, no skipping meals, no exercising, no sugars fruits or fruit juices. This is the exact opposite of the steps above. If the marijuana is excreted the individual will test positive. At this point the tester does not want to excrete any marijuana but keep it all in their bodies. This is accomplished by preventing fat from burning. It is very simple; get rid of fat and fail your test. Therefore the tester must stop the body from burning fat by eating correctly and not exercising. Days 2 - 30 before the test - Stop smoking, diet and exercise. These three steps which burn fat also rid the body of the marijuana metabolite. The marijuana metabolites are stored in the fat cells. To keep from testing positive the marijuana has to be removed from the fat cells in the body. It is very simple; get rid of fat and get rid of marijuana. The marijuana is then excreted through the urine and bowels. However, the future tester does not want to be excreting marijuana on the day of the test.

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