Thursday, January 3, 2008

Drug testing facts

1999 report of the American Civil Liberties Union (PDF)
"workers testing positive only for marijuana exhibited absenteeism some 30 percent lower than average." Scientific American, March '90
"drug tests have little to do with drug abuse, and a lot to do with controlling workers and weeding out undesirables." Abbie Hoffman
Drug-testing in the workplace is a needless expensive folly, a degrading and humiliating invasion of civil liberties and the 21st century equivalent of the McCartyite "loyalty oath". UKCIA bring you their guide to avoiding testing positive.
May 2004 - The Independent Inquiry into Drug Testing at Work has released a report after 18 months of investigation. They warn that despite there being little evidence that it results in improved safety or performance there could be a huge increase in number of employers who drug test their employees.

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