Monday, November 10, 2008

Detox diet Pass your drug test

Step 1: The detox screening quiz
Accordint to alternative practitioners, a detox screening quiz can help you become more familiar with possible symptoms of toxicity.
Take the Detox Screening Quiz

Many holistic practitioners believe that people with adrenal fatigue, brought on by prolonged stress, should not try the detox diet until that condition is addressed.
Take the Adrenal Fatigue Screening quiz.

Step 2: Learn the basics about detox diets
This article, Detox Basics, has necessary information about detox diets, including:
What is the detox diet?

Side effects and safety concerns

Health benefits

Criticisms of detox diets


Step 3: Find out what foods to eat and avoid on detox diets

List of Foods to Eat

List of Foods to Avoid

Step 4: How a detox diet can be customized
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India. Knowing your Ayurvedic "type" can help you learn what foods, according to Ayurveda, support an individual's health and what foods might detract from health. Try this simple quiz.
What is your Ayurvedic type?

List of foods for your Ayurvedic type. Note that not all of the foods on the Ayurvedic food lists are permitted during a detox diet.
Step 5: Proper elimination
Elimination of stools and urine is the body's primary method of getting rid of toxic substances. Especially important during a detox diet, regular bowel movements decrease the likelihood that toxins will be reabsorbed into the body. Information on Proper Elimination on detox diets.

Step 6: Sample detox diet menu
Learn about a typical day's meals on a detox diet with this sample menu.
Go to the Sample Detox Diet Menu.

Step 7: Essential nutrients for detox support
The liver requires certain nutrients in order to produce the enzymes and antioxidants needed for detoxification.
Go to the Description of Nutrients and Vitamins to support a detox diet.

Step 8: The hypochlorhydria screening quiz
Some alternative practitioners believe that hypochlorhydria, also known as low stomach acid, may be involved in indigestion, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiency, bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections, weak hair, skin, and nails, and a host of other conditions. By the time people reach their 50's, many nutritionally-oriented doctors believe that many of their clients have hypochlorhydria. Take the hypochlorhydria screening quiz.

Step 9: What people drink on a detox diet
5 Tips for Getting Enough Water

How to Make Ginger Tea
How to Make an Alkaline Broth

Step 10: Do you have positive or negative energy?
Try this quick quiz, created for us by Judith Orloff, MD, to find out if you have positive energy or if you could use a mind/body detox. Dr. Orloff is a medical intuitive, psychiatrist, and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA.
Quiz: Do You Have Positive Energy?

Dr. Judith Orloff's first step for creating positive energy. Read this excerpt from her best-selling book, Positive Energy, to learn how to create more positive energy in your life
Steps 11 through 16 of the detox diet plan are on the next page>>

Important Note: Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before attempting any detox diet.

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