Saturday, November 29, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Know How To Pass A Drug Test
Are you curious to know as to how to pass a drug test? Do you have a forthcoming drug test and are you uncertain as to whether you would test positive? Read through this article and get to know the step by step instructions on passing a drug test with ease.

To start with, understand as to what you are aiming at. What is the time frame within which you will have to get prepared to appear for the drug test? What type of test are you going to undergo? What is the testing method that is going to be used? It is very critical that you are clear with the answers for these queries. Before you could go ahead, beware of the types and methods used for the drug test.

Pass any drug test Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Infromation about drug traces and passing a drug test.

Call Toll Free 877-286-7068 We can help you pass any drug test.
General Information About Drug Traces and Passing a Drug Test
There are numerous determining factors for how long drug toxins stay in a persons body which vary from person to person, such as the analytical method used, your health, your body weight, metabolism, fluid intake, the type of drug toxin, and the degree of exposure to the drug toxin.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, one of nearly 400 chemicals in a hemp plant, accounts for most of marijuana's psychoactive, or mind-altering, effects. The strength of the drug is determined by the amount of THC it contains which varies from plant to plant. Marijuana stays in your system for different amounts of time depending on how often you smoke it, how much you smoke, and the makeup of the individual (weight/height/etc). If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days. If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 30 days. Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

Drug testing has become commonplace for many new job applications, random testing in the workplace, and may be a requirement of various other situations. Various drug tests and testing equipment are used to ensure the elimination of drugs has occurred and that your system is clear. Prior to any drug test it is beneficial to use detox products to eliminate any drug residue that may be in your system. This will allow you to beat a drug test.

It is imperative to have a natural and effective solution for the elimination of drugs from the body. Though elimination of usage is the most effective alternative, there are various products available that will detox the body and eliminate drug traces from the body. These products are designed for quick removal of drug toxins so that you may pass a drug test.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Single panel drug test kits

Marijuana (THC) Single Panel Drug Test kit
Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Make Sure You Definitely Are Clean Before Taking Your Actual Test! - Urinalysis is the most frequently used and least expensive form of drug testing used by employers today, making up approximately 85% of all drug testing. The results are taken from your urine sample providing information and indication of recent drug use. It is fast, accurate, and easy to perform. These are the same tests that are usually sold to employers, courts, schools, drug counselors and rehab centers.
Knowing before you go is a major part of the battle

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to pass Saliva drug test?

How to pass Saliva drug test?
The general procedure is to keep the subject from drinking or inserting anything in the mouth for a period of time-about 15 minutes. A collection of saliva is then obtained and either mixed with chemicals or placed onto a color-test strip in order to determine the presence of alcohol or other drugs. This general procedure is also used to test levels of hormones and other body chemicals. Once widely used for the testing of illegal drugs, its use is now declining; the time period during which alcohol and drugs can be detected by this method is relatively low, 3 hours to 4 days max.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to clean your system of drugs

The drugs you did last night, the drugs you did last week and the drugs you did last New Year's Eve-they're all in there, embedded or encoded in your urine, sweat, hair, saliva and blood. Not so long ago, the body was inviolate, a temple the law could not enter, but bad science and contemptible courts have since combined to make drug testing a part of American life, giving rise to a multibillion-dollar-per-year industry that exists solely to break the body into measurable pieces and detail your private life for the benefit of your employer or your government. Despite the Fourth Amendment's clear guarantee of a right to privacy, courts have granted increasingly broad authority for random, suspicionless drug testing, and what was unthinkable in this country a generation ago is now taken for granted today. But the news is not all bad.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welfare Drug-Testing Law Struck Down

Welfare Drug-Testing Law Struck Down
By Jeralyn, Section Court Decisions
Posted on Thu Apr 10, 2003 at 07:39:10 PM EST
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A divided Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday invalidated a Michigan program that required welfare applicants and recipients to submit to drug tests.
Under the Michigan program, people applying for welfare through the state's Family Independence Agency would be tested for illegal drug use, and 20 percent of those receiving welfare assistance would be randomly tested every six months.
....The ACLU sued on behalf of all Michigan welfare recipients, and U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts issued a restraining order to stop the testing, saying it likely violated the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable search and seizure.

How long does marijuana stay in your system

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in your System
January 22nd, 2008 by ddetox
This is the single most frequently asked question. It is impossible for anyone to estimate the time it would take for someone to test clean. The best thing you can do for yourself is test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot. Test about twice weekly until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Don’t let your best friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s experience be your guide. Every BODY is different.

Computer programs, charts and graphs are virtually useless in determining how long it will take YOU, the individual, to test negative. Use drug testing kits to be 100% sure that you don’t fail the test.

Call Toll free 877-286-7068

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

pass your drug test 877-286-7068

I just recently left a company that was ripping me off and stressing me out all at the same time. I then applied for another company 3weeks. The company had me take a physical and drug screen in my area.A week later I went to there orientation in another state. The second day there they tell me I failed the drug test. I have applied and called about 30 companies and they all said they can't mess with me for 3yrs and some even told me to try smaller companies.I went online looking for there smaller companies but came up short.all I come up with is big and mid size companies.Can anyone tell how to find these small companies online or where should i look?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Detox diet Pass your drug test

Step 1: The detox screening quiz
Accordint to alternative practitioners, a detox screening quiz can help you become more familiar with possible symptoms of toxicity.
Take the Detox Screening Quiz

Many holistic practitioners believe that people with adrenal fatigue, brought on by prolonged stress, should not try the detox diet until that condition is addressed.
Take the Adrenal Fatigue Screening quiz.

Step 2: Learn the basics about detox diets
This article, Detox Basics, has necessary information about detox diets, including:
What is the detox diet?

Side effects and safety concerns

Health benefits

Criticisms of detox diets


Step 3: Find out what foods to eat and avoid on detox diets

List of Foods to Eat

List of Foods to Avoid

Step 4: How a detox diet can be customized
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India. Knowing your Ayurvedic "type" can help you learn what foods, according to Ayurveda, support an individual's health and what foods might detract from health. Try this simple quiz.
What is your Ayurvedic type?

List of foods for your Ayurvedic type. Note that not all of the foods on the Ayurvedic food lists are permitted during a detox diet.
Step 5: Proper elimination
Elimination of stools and urine is the body's primary method of getting rid of toxic substances. Especially important during a detox diet, regular bowel movements decrease the likelihood that toxins will be reabsorbed into the body. Information on Proper Elimination on detox diets.

Step 6: Sample detox diet menu
Learn about a typical day's meals on a detox diet with this sample menu.
Go to the Sample Detox Diet Menu.

Step 7: Essential nutrients for detox support
The liver requires certain nutrients in order to produce the enzymes and antioxidants needed for detoxification.
Go to the Description of Nutrients and Vitamins to support a detox diet.

Step 8: The hypochlorhydria screening quiz
Some alternative practitioners believe that hypochlorhydria, also known as low stomach acid, may be involved in indigestion, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiency, bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections, weak hair, skin, and nails, and a host of other conditions. By the time people reach their 50's, many nutritionally-oriented doctors believe that many of their clients have hypochlorhydria. Take the hypochlorhydria screening quiz.

Step 9: What people drink on a detox diet
5 Tips for Getting Enough Water

How to Make Ginger Tea
How to Make an Alkaline Broth

Step 10: Do you have positive or negative energy?
Try this quick quiz, created for us by Judith Orloff, MD, to find out if you have positive energy or if you could use a mind/body detox. Dr. Orloff is a medical intuitive, psychiatrist, and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA.
Quiz: Do You Have Positive Energy?

Dr. Judith Orloff's first step for creating positive energy. Read this excerpt from her best-selling book, Positive Energy, to learn how to create more positive energy in your life
Steps 11 through 16 of the detox diet plan are on the next page>>

Important Note: Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before attempting any detox diet.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Drug testing 101

Call toll Free 877-286-7068
The first thing to know about drug testing is what the standard test looks for. What is being tested for varies greatly based on testing company, expense, expectations, federal requirements, etc. Following is a description of what to expect from the standard tests.

The SAMHSA-5 #
Federal government guidelines (by SAMHSA-the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) require that companies which use commercial class drivers licenses for employees must have a testing system in place. Among other things, this required testing program must test for 5 specific categories of drugs (referred to as the "SAMHSA 5", previously called the "NIDA-5"). Because of this federal requirement, most drug testing companies offer a basic drug test that checks for drugs in these 5 common categories. Click on the substance name for a description of the laboratory method for detecting the substance.

Cannabinoids (marijuana, hash)
Cocaine (cocaine, crack, benzoylecognine)
Amphetamines (amphetamines, methamphetamines, speed)
Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine)
Phencyclidine (PCP)


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

All of our exclusive cleansing products come with easy to use directions & phone support to make sure you pass any urine, hair or blood drug test . Use our "Quick Product Finder" below or choose from the categories on your left.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tyors of drug testing

most popular is the Urine test. This procedure usually involves you going into the bathroom and filling up a cup with your urine. They either use a test card right then for immediate results or send it away to a lab to get tested through a sophisticated gas analyzer.

The second type of test is a Hair Follicle test. Hair testing is quite accurate and can go back 6 months, showing all of the toxins you used in a sort of timeline. Many people try to get around this by just shaving their head. Know that they will go for your underarm, pubic, leg or arm hair if you do not have the required 1/2 inch on your head.

The third type of test is a Blood test. Blood testing is usually performed for serious employment positions or when you are applying for insurance policies. This is expensive and not very common.

The fourth type of test is the Saliva test. This is not common and can only detect toxins used 3-4 days prior. Insurance companies and law enforcement agencies use this method most often.

The most obvious way to pass a drug test is to not have any drugs in your body they can detect. If you don't use anything, you have nothing to worry about. Passing a drug test is not as difficult as you may think.