Friday, December 26, 2008

Drug Testing In The Work Place

Completely Clean 877-286-7068 Pass your Drug Test
There was a time in the United States when your business was also
your boss's business. At the turn of the century, company snooping
was pervasive and privacy almost nonexistent. Your boss had the right
to know who you lived with, what you drank, whether you went to
church, or to what political groups you belonged.

With the growth of the trade union movement and heightened awareness
of the importance of individual rights, American workers came to
insist that life off the job was their private affair not to be
scrutinized by employers. But major chinks have begun to appear in
the wall that has separated life on and off the job, largely due to
the advent of new technologies that make it possible for employers to
monitor their employees' off-duty activities. Today, millions of
American workers every year, in both the public and private sectors
are subjected to urinalysis drug tests as a condition of getting or
keeping a job.

The American Civil Liberties Union opposes indiscriminate urine
testing because the process is both unfair and unnecessary. It is
unfair to force workers who are not even suspected of using drugs,
and whose job performance is satisfactory, to "prove" their innocence
through a degrading and uncertain procedure that violates personal
privacy. Such tests are unnecessary because they cannot detect
impairment and, thus, in no way enhance an employer's ability to
evaluate or predict job performance. Here are the ACLU's answers to
some questions frequently asked by the public about drug testing in
the workplace.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Detox products Completely clean

While Completely Clean strongly opposes drug use on the job, we think no one should be forced to submit to urine testing, especially for marijuana. Aside from launching a legal challenge, your best defense against urine testing is to be clean. Unfortunately, this may be difficult since urine tests may detect marijuana 1-5 days after an occasional use, 1-3 weeks in regular users, and 4-6 weeks in multiple daily users. Since urine tests do not detect the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, THC, but rather other, nonactive metabolites, they in no way measure impairment; nonetheless, this fact is of no account to employers in today's anti-drug hysteria. If you are on the job market, it is prudent to expect being tested and avoid marijuana. However, recognizing that many of you may face drug testing on short notice, we offer the following advice for emergencies with our best wishes 877-286-7068

Pass your Drug Test 877-286-7068
The accuracy of drug testing is an area where I've decided to neglect all statistics. Those who oppose drug testing provide numbers indicating a high level of false positives. Those who favor drug testing provide numbers indicating high levels of accuracy. The fact is that accuracy varies widely from lab to lab. Generally speaking, NIDA labs are accurate. Clinton writes:

NIDA (The National Institute of Drug Abuse) is the government organization responsible for regulating the drug-testing industry. The vast majority of urine drug screens done these days conform to NIDA specs, and ALL testing associated with the government (department of transportation, etc.) complies with the NIDA standard. It is NIDA that decides what the "safe" cutoffs are to avoid false positives....

Despite what you might hear on the net, urinalysis, if done correctly, is a very accurate scientific procedure. I know of no labs that simply report the results of the initial EMIT screening without confirming the sample on GC/MS. The fact is, labs WANT you to test negative, because then they only have to run an EMIT test on your urine (a few cents). If you test positive, they must then confirm the positive result on GC/MS, which is considerably more expensive. . . . Incidentally, the machine which tests the hair is a relative of the GC/MS, but is FAR more precise. It can accurately detect levels of THC in a solution that are below 1 ng/mL!

CAP (College of American Pathologists) also certifies laboratories the way NIDA does. NIDA keeps it's labs in check by sending positive and negative double-blind samples. Lab personnel does not know what samples came from NIDA. If the lab results are wrong, NIDA may take away the labs certification. Only labs that perform the GC/MS on site can be NIDA certified. Labs that send samples to another laboratory for GC/MS confirmation are ineligible for NIDA certification. "Drug testing when done properly with all required controls and confirmation procedures is very accurate and reliable" (anon1).

Not all labs are NIDA/CAP certified. Some labs do not properly and thoroughly clean the GC/MS equipment. Some labs don't even do a GC/MS confirmation! Some labs use cheap alternative methods to reduce expenses.

Many human errors occur in labs and cause inaccurate results. Some are careless or irresponsible errors, and some errors are accidents. Human error can ruin the results of ANY test, screening or confirmation GC/MS.

The only lab you should be concerned with is the one that is testing you. Only Federal jobs require NIDA standards. Your typical private employer may use any lab s/he chooses, which would very likely be the least expensive. Businesses don't always choose NIDA labs that follow-up a positive screening test with a confirmation GC/MS.

3.1 Procedures used:

In the workplace, an EMIT screening is typically used, with a CG/MS confirmation if the EMIT is positive. However, this is not a rule; employers can, and some do, use unusual procedures. Some employers use the RIA, and some use the hair test. The government uses RIA. They may or may not supervise the subject. Olympic athletes must be monitored by courier after a competition. The courier stays with the athlete until the athlete urinates, with a time frame of up to sixty minutes.

3.2 False positives:

No laboratory process is completely free from error. The GC/MS test is virtually error free, but the EMIT is far from accurate. There are some false positives you should avoid if you're getting an EMIT test. Take this seriously; false positives run high. If you know that there will be a GC/MS confirmation test, you can disregard this section. It would be too lengthy to list all of the false positives here. Jeff Nightbyrd's "Conquering the Urine Tests" pamphlet lists a majority of the false positives in detail. (If you are clean, want to get back at the testing industry for conducting these absurd tests, and know that there will be a confirmation test, you could consume several false positives. This would force labs to pay for the high priced GC/MS test, eventually drive up test expenses. You will still pass the test as long as you didn't use any true positives.)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Passing your drug test

No need to worry about anything, simply select the product that’s right for you, and consider your drug test passed. Completely clean Detox detoxification products for urine drug tests, saliva tests, hair drug tests and other random drug testing!
We will help you pass a drug test Guaranteed!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Destroy all toxins including Marijuana's THC, prescription medications, steroids, cocaine, opiates

Pass a Drug Test 877-286-7068
Never worry about passing a drug test again! Our drug detoxifying products will help you pass! Our products cleanse your urine, saliva, blood and hair of the metabolites drug screening labs look for. Our products will detoxify and destroy all toxins including Marijuana's THC, prescription medications, steroids, cocaine, opiates, pcp, methamphetamines, and more! Try our drug testing kit and you will never have to worry about a drug test again- Guaranteed! Stop having nightmares about whether or not you’ll pass, drug test yourself at home!

When your testing day arrives, you can’t afford to fail! Bad test results may cost you your job and maybe even your freedom! With our products you can pass drug test without worries. We carry only the finest detoxifying & synthetic urine products on the market. Our products are trusted by thousands of people just like you all over the world.

All of our detoxifying/synthetic products, including our drug test kits, are laboratory tested by drug testing labs as well as our own in-house lab. From drug screens, including litmus paper, EMIT and FPIA screens to GC/MS testing.

For added reassurance, before you go to the lab, test yourself in the comfort of your own home using one of our self-administered home drug test kits.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Detox products

How to pass a drug test, Pass your drug test, Pass a Urine Drug Test, Pass a drug test. Call 1-877-286-7068
We sell all Total Body and Same Day Body Cleansers and offer reliable overnight shipping @


Drug Testing Products

Urine Test Products
Blood Test Products
Hair Test Shampoo Kits
Saliva Drug Test Kit
Entire Body Detox Kits
Total Body Cleanses
Same Day Detox Kits
Self Test Drug Kits

Drug Test Information

Drug Use Time Table
Companies That Drug Test
Live Drug Test Specialist
Online Drug Test
Customer Testimonials
Drug Testing News
Drug Test Questions
How To Pass A Drug Test
False Positive Drug Test
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Pass your drug test THC Marijuana

1. THC Test Basics
2. How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System
3. Passing Solution
4. Recommended Products
Find Detox Products:
type of test urine hair saliva blood not sure
products anydetox kitsdetox drinksdetox pillshome testsurine additives
toxins thc (marijuana) cocaine alcohol and nicotine others all-in-one
toxin's level any low (1-2 times a week or less) high (3 times a week or more)
your weight any under 200 lbs over 200 lbs
terms of use any on the day of test 1-2 days before test more than week before test

THC Test Basics :

Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, is the main psychoactive substance found in the Cannabis plant (Marijuana).THC urine test is now usually used for random job tests. This is the least expensive of the test methods.

Labs take the specimen and either mix it with chemicals or dip a chemical colored test strip into it; or in some cases they examine it more closely in lab testing devices, depending on the type of substance they are looking for.

50 nanograms of THC metabolites per milliliter defines a "presumptive positive" by NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) certified labs. So, to pass the test, you don't need to have absolutely clean urine - you need to have less than 50 ng/ml of THC in your urine.

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System :

Well, this is one of the most frequently asked questions. Unfortunately, nobody can say how long EXACTLY does thc stay in your body. The half life of THC concentration ranges between about 1 to 10 days.

This means that, for example, if THC half life in your body is 5 days and after you smoke you have about 100 ng/ml of THC in your urine, 5 days later you will have about 50 ng/ml or less and will be able to pass the test.

But there is too much human variations to even approximate how long THC will be detected in the urine of an individual. It depends on a lot of factors, such as human age, weight, metabolism, amount and potency of marijuana, etc. Infrequent users with a fast metabolism will have the shortest detection time. Frequent or chronic users with a slow metabolism will have long detection times.

If you use marijuana on rare occasions, your urine may be clean of metabolites in less than a week.

There is a common and strange phenomena that occurs with chronic users. You would expect a chronic user to have the longest detection time and the smallest chance of passing. This is not always the case. A chronic user with a high tolerance will eliminate drugs quicker than an occasional user. Chronic users have tested negative after a week long binge. Lipid tissue also makes a huge difference.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Know How To Pass A Drug Test
Are you curious to know as to how to pass a drug test? Do you have a forthcoming drug test and are you uncertain as to whether you would test positive? Read through this article and get to know the step by step instructions on passing a drug test with ease.

To start with, understand as to what you are aiming at. What is the time frame within which you will have to get prepared to appear for the drug test? What type of test are you going to undergo? What is the testing method that is going to be used? It is very critical that you are clear with the answers for these queries. Before you could go ahead, beware of the types and methods used for the drug test.

Pass any drug test Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Infromation about drug traces and passing a drug test.

Call Toll Free 877-286-7068 We can help you pass any drug test.
General Information About Drug Traces and Passing a Drug Test
There are numerous determining factors for how long drug toxins stay in a persons body which vary from person to person, such as the analytical method used, your health, your body weight, metabolism, fluid intake, the type of drug toxin, and the degree of exposure to the drug toxin.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, one of nearly 400 chemicals in a hemp plant, accounts for most of marijuana's psychoactive, or mind-altering, effects. The strength of the drug is determined by the amount of THC it contains which varies from plant to plant. Marijuana stays in your system for different amounts of time depending on how often you smoke it, how much you smoke, and the makeup of the individual (weight/height/etc). If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days. If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 30 days. Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

Drug testing has become commonplace for many new job applications, random testing in the workplace, and may be a requirement of various other situations. Various drug tests and testing equipment are used to ensure the elimination of drugs has occurred and that your system is clear. Prior to any drug test it is beneficial to use detox products to eliminate any drug residue that may be in your system. This will allow you to beat a drug test.

It is imperative to have a natural and effective solution for the elimination of drugs from the body. Though elimination of usage is the most effective alternative, there are various products available that will detox the body and eliminate drug traces from the body. These products are designed for quick removal of drug toxins so that you may pass a drug test.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Single panel drug test kits

Marijuana (THC) Single Panel Drug Test kit
Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Make Sure You Definitely Are Clean Before Taking Your Actual Test! - Urinalysis is the most frequently used and least expensive form of drug testing used by employers today, making up approximately 85% of all drug testing. The results are taken from your urine sample providing information and indication of recent drug use. It is fast, accurate, and easy to perform. These are the same tests that are usually sold to employers, courts, schools, drug counselors and rehab centers.
Knowing before you go is a major part of the battle

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to pass Saliva drug test?

How to pass Saliva drug test?
The general procedure is to keep the subject from drinking or inserting anything in the mouth for a period of time-about 15 minutes. A collection of saliva is then obtained and either mixed with chemicals or placed onto a color-test strip in order to determine the presence of alcohol or other drugs. This general procedure is also used to test levels of hormones and other body chemicals. Once widely used for the testing of illegal drugs, its use is now declining; the time period during which alcohol and drugs can be detected by this method is relatively low, 3 hours to 4 days max.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to clean your system of drugs

The drugs you did last night, the drugs you did last week and the drugs you did last New Year's Eve-they're all in there, embedded or encoded in your urine, sweat, hair, saliva and blood. Not so long ago, the body was inviolate, a temple the law could not enter, but bad science and contemptible courts have since combined to make drug testing a part of American life, giving rise to a multibillion-dollar-per-year industry that exists solely to break the body into measurable pieces and detail your private life for the benefit of your employer or your government. Despite the Fourth Amendment's clear guarantee of a right to privacy, courts have granted increasingly broad authority for random, suspicionless drug testing, and what was unthinkable in this country a generation ago is now taken for granted today. But the news is not all bad.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welfare Drug-Testing Law Struck Down

Welfare Drug-Testing Law Struck Down
By Jeralyn, Section Court Decisions
Posted on Thu Apr 10, 2003 at 07:39:10 PM EST
Tags:(all tags) Share This: Digg! TwitThis
A divided Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday invalidated a Michigan program that required welfare applicants and recipients to submit to drug tests.
Under the Michigan program, people applying for welfare through the state's Family Independence Agency would be tested for illegal drug use, and 20 percent of those receiving welfare assistance would be randomly tested every six months.
....The ACLU sued on behalf of all Michigan welfare recipients, and U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts issued a restraining order to stop the testing, saying it likely violated the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable search and seizure.

How long does marijuana stay in your system

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in your System
January 22nd, 2008 by ddetox
This is the single most frequently asked question. It is impossible for anyone to estimate the time it would take for someone to test clean. The best thing you can do for yourself is test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot. Test about twice weekly until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Don’t let your best friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s experience be your guide. Every BODY is different.

Computer programs, charts and graphs are virtually useless in determining how long it will take YOU, the individual, to test negative. Use drug testing kits to be 100% sure that you don’t fail the test.

Call Toll free 877-286-7068

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

pass your drug test 877-286-7068

I just recently left a company that was ripping me off and stressing me out all at the same time. I then applied for another company 3weeks. The company had me take a physical and drug screen in my area.A week later I went to there orientation in another state. The second day there they tell me I failed the drug test. I have applied and called about 30 companies and they all said they can't mess with me for 3yrs and some even told me to try smaller companies.I went online looking for there smaller companies but came up short.all I come up with is big and mid size companies.Can anyone tell how to find these small companies online or where should i look?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Detox diet Pass your drug test

Step 1: The detox screening quiz
Accordint to alternative practitioners, a detox screening quiz can help you become more familiar with possible symptoms of toxicity.
Take the Detox Screening Quiz

Many holistic practitioners believe that people with adrenal fatigue, brought on by prolonged stress, should not try the detox diet until that condition is addressed.
Take the Adrenal Fatigue Screening quiz.

Step 2: Learn the basics about detox diets
This article, Detox Basics, has necessary information about detox diets, including:
What is the detox diet?

Side effects and safety concerns

Health benefits

Criticisms of detox diets


Step 3: Find out what foods to eat and avoid on detox diets

List of Foods to Eat

List of Foods to Avoid

Step 4: How a detox diet can be customized
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India. Knowing your Ayurvedic "type" can help you learn what foods, according to Ayurveda, support an individual's health and what foods might detract from health. Try this simple quiz.
What is your Ayurvedic type?

List of foods for your Ayurvedic type. Note that not all of the foods on the Ayurvedic food lists are permitted during a detox diet.
Step 5: Proper elimination
Elimination of stools and urine is the body's primary method of getting rid of toxic substances. Especially important during a detox diet, regular bowel movements decrease the likelihood that toxins will be reabsorbed into the body. Information on Proper Elimination on detox diets.

Step 6: Sample detox diet menu
Learn about a typical day's meals on a detox diet with this sample menu.
Go to the Sample Detox Diet Menu.

Step 7: Essential nutrients for detox support
The liver requires certain nutrients in order to produce the enzymes and antioxidants needed for detoxification.
Go to the Description of Nutrients and Vitamins to support a detox diet.

Step 8: The hypochlorhydria screening quiz
Some alternative practitioners believe that hypochlorhydria, also known as low stomach acid, may be involved in indigestion, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiency, bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections, weak hair, skin, and nails, and a host of other conditions. By the time people reach their 50's, many nutritionally-oriented doctors believe that many of their clients have hypochlorhydria. Take the hypochlorhydria screening quiz.

Step 9: What people drink on a detox diet
5 Tips for Getting Enough Water

How to Make Ginger Tea
How to Make an Alkaline Broth

Step 10: Do you have positive or negative energy?
Try this quick quiz, created for us by Judith Orloff, MD, to find out if you have positive energy or if you could use a mind/body detox. Dr. Orloff is a medical intuitive, psychiatrist, and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA.
Quiz: Do You Have Positive Energy?

Dr. Judith Orloff's first step for creating positive energy. Read this excerpt from her best-selling book, Positive Energy, to learn how to create more positive energy in your life
Steps 11 through 16 of the detox diet plan are on the next page>>

Important Note: Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before attempting any detox diet.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Drug testing 101

Call toll Free 877-286-7068
The first thing to know about drug testing is what the standard test looks for. What is being tested for varies greatly based on testing company, expense, expectations, federal requirements, etc. Following is a description of what to expect from the standard tests.

The SAMHSA-5 #
Federal government guidelines (by SAMHSA-the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) require that companies which use commercial class drivers licenses for employees must have a testing system in place. Among other things, this required testing program must test for 5 specific categories of drugs (referred to as the "SAMHSA 5", previously called the "NIDA-5"). Because of this federal requirement, most drug testing companies offer a basic drug test that checks for drugs in these 5 common categories. Click on the substance name for a description of the laboratory method for detecting the substance.

Cannabinoids (marijuana, hash)
Cocaine (cocaine, crack, benzoylecognine)
Amphetamines (amphetamines, methamphetamines, speed)
Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine)
Phencyclidine (PCP)


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

All of our exclusive cleansing products come with easy to use directions & phone support to make sure you pass any urine, hair or blood drug test . Use our "Quick Product Finder" below or choose from the categories on your left.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tyors of drug testing

most popular is the Urine test. This procedure usually involves you going into the bathroom and filling up a cup with your urine. They either use a test card right then for immediate results or send it away to a lab to get tested through a sophisticated gas analyzer.

The second type of test is a Hair Follicle test. Hair testing is quite accurate and can go back 6 months, showing all of the toxins you used in a sort of timeline. Many people try to get around this by just shaving their head. Know that they will go for your underarm, pubic, leg or arm hair if you do not have the required 1/2 inch on your head.

The third type of test is a Blood test. Blood testing is usually performed for serious employment positions or when you are applying for insurance policies. This is expensive and not very common.

The fourth type of test is the Saliva test. This is not common and can only detect toxins used 3-4 days prior. Insurance companies and law enforcement agencies use this method most often.

The most obvious way to pass a drug test is to not have any drugs in your body they can detect. If you don't use anything, you have nothing to worry about. Passing a drug test is not as difficult as you may think.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Seven Day detox

2 Step THC/Marijuana Detox Program for Persons over 200 LBS

The Two Stage Marijuana Detoxification Kit includes a 20oz. bottle of QCarbo Plus with Super Boost Tabs, one bottle of QPretox Master Concentrated Capsules (100ct), and one THC-Marijuana test device. DIRECTIONS: This product set is intended...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How is Marijuana Abused?

How is Marijuana Abused?
Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (joint) or in a pipe. It is also smoked in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana. Since the blunt retains the tobacco leaf used to wrap the cigar, this mode of delivery combines marijuana's active ingredients with nicotine and other harmful chemicals. Marijuana can also be mixed in food or brewed as a tea. As a more concentrated, resinous form it is called hashish, and as a sticky black liquid, hash oil.* Marijuana smoke has a pungent and distinctive, usually sweet-and-sour odor.

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Our programs and drug testing kits are thoroughly tested and scientically Formulated to ensure that you pass your test. We understand how important it is to pass your drug test. Our customers always come first while providing fast shipping and responsible service with guaranteed passing results. Our site is secure so that you can order online or call our toll free number 877-286-7068 to order or ask any further questions about our drug testing solutions

Completely clean

How to pass a drug test is the question more and more people are faced with each and every day. Employee screenings are on the rise, corporations have their own rules and random drug testing is often the condition of employment.

If this is the major concern in your life, you have come to the right place. ATC products will shield you from detection of controlled substances, prescription and non-prescription preparations, as well as other things you might not want people to know about like tobacco usage


Monday, October 27, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program

About Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program World's Most Sophisticated Cleansing System totally cleanses blood and urinary tract in 7 days. Flush waste and toxins (such as cocaine, meth, THC/marijuana, alchohol, nicotine and...

Friday, October 24, 2008

how to pass your drug test 877-286-7068

Important Lifestyle Changes for Drug Trace Elimination to Pass a drug test
Drink lots of water -- at least two quarts a day several days before you wish all traces to be eliminated. Water is a natural cleanser and assists the body in the detoxification process.
If you are giving a Urine Sample, use the third or later urine of the day and "catch" your sample in midstream -- not the first drops that come out.
Exercise and dry sauna heat will help remove the THC for purposes of Detoxing. Do this in combination with heavy water intake.
Stop exercising at least two days before your test because exercise increases the amount of THC in your urine. Since THC is fat-soluble and is stored in fat cells, exercise will help burn the fat cells thus releasing more THC into your urine sample.
You should avoid all toxins and unnecessary medications for 48-72 hours before you are testing or need trace elimination to occure.
The best way to not have drug traces in your bloodstream and Urine is to eliminate drug use from your life.
If residue from marijuana continues to exist in the user's body cravings for marijuana will arise and withdrawal symptoms persist. The goal of marijuana detox is to ultimately eliminate the drug, and all its metabolites from the body to increase the chance of a successful lifestyle change. The human body will eventually expel the remaining marijuana residue through urination and sweating.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

how to pass a drug test

Drug tests invade your personal life, your privacy, and let your employer do as they wish. We carry detoxification products for every test and every occasion to solve even the toughest of situations. We carry detox products for urine, saliva, hair, blood and other commonly used tests. Our large assortment also includes synthetic urine, which helps even the most seasoned, as well as carefully designed programs and kits for complete multi-step detoxification.
All products are 100% natural and completely legal. As an added bonus, we provide confidential phone and email support. Our professionally trained staff can help pick the correct solution for your specific situation.
All products are shipped in un-labeled brown boxes for your privacy. Need to pass a drug test? Please do not hesitate and call or email us now!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to pass a drug test


Home Remedies That Don't Work:

Golden Seal

pickle juice



salt water

baking soda




cranberry juice

bleach, Drano, ammonia or visine added to the urine sample.


Stop smoking.

No heavy exercise within 48 hours of test.

Take a vitamin B complex with each meal 48 hours before test.

If your stomach permits, take two Aspirin with each meal.

Schedule test for the afternoon.

Urinate 6-8 times before test.

Eat lots of proteins, carbohydrates and high fiber. Avoid salt.

Don't skip meals, especially breakfast (3 per day).

Avoid foods high in sugar, fruits, and fruit juices.

Take a detoxifying product.

Drink lots of fluids. Water is best.


Never give the lab/ tester your first urine of the day. Toxins build up overnight and are heaviest in the morning. If possible void the first and last portion of your urine stream into the toilet. Only catch the middle of your urine stream for the sample. This portion will have the lowest amount of toxins.

If you decide Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is right for you. You have no need to worry about any of this.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Completely Clean

Drug tests are very good at detecting recent drug use but become very unreliable after a period of a few days. If you can abstain from using any drugs for a week, you should be able to pass your saliva screening. Unfortunately, most drug testing timelines are not under your control and random drug testing makes it difficult to know when you need to abstain.

We offer several products to help you in case of an unexpected saliva test. Timing is key, so order now and keep them on hand for when you need them. Waiting until you find out that you are going to be tested is a risk you cannot afford to take.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Same -day urine drug testing solutions

Completely clean Same-Day Urine Drug Testing solutions are made from the finest natural ingredients. Our unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal cleansers are put to the test by people just like you every day with successful results. Today most facilities have cracked down on the testing procedures. In most places you will be frisked for bottles and additives, you will have to wash your hands to remove any chemicals, and you will be supervised while you urinate. The most fail-safe way to prepare for your test, especially if you don't know if you will be watched, is to take a Same-Day Treatment. Not only will your test be clean the first time
Call toll free 877-286-7068

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Pass Saliva drug screen / Oral fluid-based drug screen
Saliva / oral fluid-based drug tests can generally detect use during the previous few days. Saliva or oral fluid based drug tests are becoming more prevalent because of their convenience and the fact that they can not be adulterated. Furthermore, on-site oral based tests in particular enable the implementation of random testing programs, proven to be the most effective type of drug screening. Oral fluid based tests are as accurate as urine and can be obtained from quality suppliers in the United States. Testing is usually performed by employers, for either pre-employment, random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, or return-to-duty testing. Oral fluid based testing most closely mimics results found with blood and is preferable for detecting on-the-job drug use or in post-accident applications in this case because the degree of intoxication can be approximated based on the amount of substance in the blood. The Victorian Police in Australia are also using random saliva-tests to detect drivers under the influence of amphetamines and cannabis.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Completely Clean detox that works

Are you curious as to how we actually know the products work that we offer to you?All of our detoxifying/synthetic products, such as our drug test kits and synthetic urine are laboratory tested by drug testing labs as well as our own in-house lab. From drug screens, including litmus paper, EMIT and FPIA screens to GC/MS testing.

Why Completely Clean? Call toll free 877-286-7068

Friday, October 17, 2008

Drug test home remedies

Call toll Free 877-286-7068
Some facts about popular home remedies for passing a drug test

There are a lot of tips for passing a drug test and a lot of MYTHS you can ever hear . The truth about popularized "home remedies" broadcasted all over the net. Don't waste your time with rumored "Home Remedies to Pass Drug Tests" that you heard on the street or from your friends. The Labs are too smart now!

Be careful! Because if you rely on these useless, outdated techniques you can lose your job because you can failed your drug test! Most people need help when picking a detox products, since everything you need to clean your system isn't exactly lying around your house, home remedies are a thing of the past .

About home remedies for removing TCH out of your system.

THC is fat soluble, and it gets stored in your fat cells. Cleaning it out of your lipid tissue is very difficult. Many herbal products claim to clean out your system, yet they do nothing to remove THC by home remedies from fat cells. Unfortunately, this rumor will not die. The only ways to extract THC from fat cells is to exercise and take a detoxifying product with fat burning effect. You may be able to temporarily clean THC metabolites from your bloodstream, or dilute your fluids to yield a larger urine/THC ratio, but your bloodstream will continue collecting THC metabolites from fat. Your urine will continue collecting THC metabolites from your bloodstream.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How to pass a drug test

Cannabis sativa (or subsp. indica) is a psychoactive plant primarily
used by smoking the dried flowers and subtending leaves of the female plant.
The major biologically active chemical compound in cannabis is
9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), commonly referred to
as THC.

Toll Free 877-286-7068

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Your drug testing one shop

Drug Testing has become an epidemic! Millions of drug tests are performed every year in the United States alone. Most of these tests are given to people with no "probable cause" which is prohibited by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Still, drug tests are performed every day by thousands of employers, including the government.

Here at, we can protect your privacy, your job, your freedom and your Constitutional Rights! We guarantee that you will pass any drug test, even if it's a parole or probation drug test. Are you a recreational drug user who needs to pass a drug test? We have all the information and time tested, effective products guaranteeing that you will beat any drug test or toxin screen.

Our friendly staff is well informed about the drug testing industry. They can tell you how you can fool any type of saliva test, even pass a random toxin test


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Three day detox 877-286-7068

A three part system that produces the results you want and need in a very short period of time! This system includes a regiment of fluids and cleansing pills, anti-toxin solution assured to finish the job.For Questions about what level is best for you contact us now with 24 hour email. Formulated for the Moderate user {Moderate 7 X 10 a month} Designed for light to moderate toxin use, (twice a week or less). A three-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, saliva. This kit removes all toxins. Comes with one easy to use personal drug test kit!


pass a piss test

What I can tell you is fact. In a piss test, they test your piss. Your piss must meet certain requirements to be testable. Some basic requirements may be pH, color, or specific gravity. You can change these. One person I have held conversations with sprayed layers of floor stripper on his fingers and had the stripper rub off into his piss and he passed his drug test. Another kid I knew refused to go into work and got a hardship discharge so he never took his drug test. I have been informed that some of the drinks or pills at GNC and health stores work to help you pass a drug test, but I am hesitant to trust many things I do not understand

Monday, October 13, 2008

Passing your drug test

Foods not to eat a lot of when detoxing

Red meat, chicken, turkey and any meat products like sausages, burgers, and pate

Milk, cheese, eggs, cream

Butter and margarine

Any food that contains wheat including bread, croissants, cereals, cakes, biscuits, pies, pastry, quiche, battered or breadcrumbed foods, etc

Crisps and savoury snacks including salted nuts

Chocolate, sweets, jam and sugar

Processed foods, ready meals, ready-made sauces and takeaways


Coffee and tea

Sauces, pickles, shop bought salad dressing, mayonnaise


Fizzy drinks and squashes, including diet versions

Before the Test:

1. Stop smoking.
2. No heavy exercise within 48 hours of test.
3. Take a vitamin B complex with each meal 48 hours before test.
4. If your stomach permits, take two Aspirin with each meal.
5. Schedule test for the afternoon.
6. Urinate 6-8 times before test.
7. Eat lots of proteins and carbohydrates.
8. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast (3 per day).
9. Avoid foods high in sugar, fruits, and fruit juices.
10. Take a detoxifying product.
11. Drink lots of fluids. Water is best.
12. Relax.
Never give the lab/ tester your first urine of the day. Toxins build up overnight and are heaviest in the morning. If possible void the first and last portion of your urine stream into the toilet. Only catch the middle of your urine stream for the sample. This portion will have the lowest amount of toxins.
If You Fail:
If you didn't detox before your test all is not lost. The tests companies use today are extremely flawed. If you fail a test, deny that you have used any illegal substance and insist that there must be something wrong with their test. Urine tests are unreliable. Many people who have never done any drugs have tested positive for drugs because the tests are not accurate. Demand a second test.

Detox drinks pass your drug test

Purified 16 OZ. INSTANT ACTING Urinary Tract, Saliva and
Blood Cleanser. $37.95 Super Concentrate Formula Five Times The Strength Of Other Detox Cleansers, with instant acting urinary tract, saliva and blood cleansing technology. The unique Psyllerol blend formulated in this detox product is an exclusive formula of herbs, amino acids, and vitamins which enables the body to expel pollutants at an extremely high rate. Formulated for large body mass and high toxin levels.

pass your drug test

Welcome to Completely Clean
Welcome. Are you interested in how to pass a drug test? We offer information and products to ensure you pass your drug tests easily. We'll provide you with information that'll give you confidence as you submit a sample of your urine, saliva, hair or blood for drug testing. Our free informative drug testing articles will let you know what to expect as you go through the drug testing process. Well warn you of the pitfalls of home remedies, and give you proven solutions to your drug test dilemmas.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Detox products 877-286-7068

- Seven Day Total Body Cleanser Series: Designed for heaviest daily toxin use. A seven-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, and saliva. This kit removes all toxins and it comes with Four easy to use personal drug test kits of your choice.We recommend this product for people over 180 lb with heavy toxin intake. This program is designed for users who have used multiple times a day for multiple years. This is the strongest program we offer to remove all drugs. If you have questions about what level is best for you contact us now with 24 hour email or phone us toll free. Price: $ 109.95 Quantity:
Our Three Day Total Body Blood and Urine Cleansing Series: OurTotal Body Blood and Urine Cleansing series is a three part system that produces the results you want and need in a very short period of time! This system includes a regiment of fluids and cleansing pills, anti-toxin solution assured to finish the job. ....Moderate 3-7 times a month... . Designed for light to moderate toxin use, (twice a week or less). A three-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, saliva. This kit removes all toxins. Comes with one easy to use personal drug test kit If you have questions about what level is best for you contact us now with 24 hour email or phone us toll free. Price: $ 59.95 Quantity: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Five Day Total Body Cleanser Series: Five Day Detoxification Formula - Designed for heavy to moderate daily toxin use under 180 pounds. A Five-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, and saliva. This kit removes all toxins and it comes with two easy to use personal drug test kits of your choice.We recommend this product for people under 180lb with Moderate to heavy toxin intake.If you have questions about what level is best for you contact us now with 24 hour email or phone us toll free.
Price: $ 79.95 Quantity:
Puriefied Instant acting16oz Saliva
Purified 16oz. Instant Acting Detox Drink: Reliable Detox Product that will detox your entire body of all unwanted toxins. Our Detox Products are the leaders in total internal body cleansing and detoxification. You can start the detox process with Rapid Detox Products that work in 10 minutes and will detox you for the day. Then follow up by starting one of the 2 Day or 7 Day permanent detox programs. Manufactured specifically for individuals with extreme toxin levels and or extreme body size. If you fit into either of these categories, #1Detox {works in 15 minutes} enables the body to expel Toxins at an extremely high rate.
Price: $ 35.95 Quantity:

{32 oz Magnum Strength} No other natural toxin cleanser has the power and immediate cleaning capability of Magnum which is an exclusive proprietary formula of psyllium, carbohydrates and vitamins. Psyllerol enables the body to expel toxins at an extremely high rate. 32 oz Drink :Natural Cleanser for the heavy user Works in 45 minutes last for up to 10 hours. 300% Stronger than other herbal detoxification drinks. Price: $ 32.95 Quantity:

{PerTox Capsules for the heavy user} The Quick Flush Herbal Capsules are recommened with all detox drinks. The unique blend of 16 vitamins (including niacin) and herbal extracts inside of these capsules acts as a flushing agent and helps your body to get rid of all unwanted toxins and pollutants by speeding up the urinary process.Strongest on the market! #60 Caps per unit Designed to cleanse your system very fast. Use as a pre cleanse for Quick Flush Drinks or as a daily maintenance. Comes with one free single panel drug test kitPrice: $ 25.95 Quantity:
(fake pee) is laboratory urine designed to protect your privacy during a urinary drug test. The Magnum Synthetic is unisex so a male or female can use it to pass a drug test. To ensure passing a urinalysis, the Magnum Synthetic contains all the ingredients normally found in urine and is balanced for pH, specific gravity, creatine, and several other urine characteristics. Each Kit Includes: 1 - Synthetic Urine (Enough for 1 tests!). 1 - Large adhesive heating element. 1 - Temperature strip. 1 - Directions.
Price: $ 32.95 Quantity:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Completely clean

We understand that not everyone has the luxury of time to totally cleanse their system using long-term detox programs to pass any drug test.Our same day detox products will allow a 3-8 hour window period for clean testing. Our same day detox products provide excellent results and convenience in a very short period of time. Our products are effective within 45 minutes - 3 hours (depends on the specific product)
Call Toll free 877-286-7068

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

saliva drug testing How to pass

Prepare yourself and meet the challenge of a saliva swab test. Ultra Wash Toxin-cleansing mouthwash achieves toxin free saliva for up to up to one half hour. A reliable companion, Ultra Wash fits in your pocket easily and is always ready for use. Simply use a few minutes before submitting your sample - just shake, swish, and spit!
The only solution for random saliva testing!
Shake vigorously.
Swish half of 1-oz mouthwash in mouth for 2-3 minutes. Spit out remaining mouthwash. DO NOT SWALLOW THIS PRODUCT.
Repeat previous step with remaining of mouthwash (minimum of 2 minutes) - just in 10 minutes before your personal deadline.
For Best Results:
Do not eat or drink during the use of this product
Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco during product use
Avoid all unwanted toxins for 24-48 hours
Call toll free 877-286-7068

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Completely Clean

81% of all companies surveyed now perform tests to determine whether you are a user and possible hazard to their company. Insurance agencies and courts are also major drug testers.So the question anyone that has to take a drug test asks is, How Do I Make Sure I Pass?There are basically four types of tests that they perform.The first and most popular is the Urine test. This procedure usually involves you going into the bathroom and filling up a cup with your urine. They either use a test card right then for immediate results or send it away to a lab to get tested through a sophisticated gas analyzer.The second type of test is a Hair Follicle test. Hair testing is quite accurate and can go back 6 months, showing all of the toxins you used in a sort of timeline. Many people try to get around this by just shaving their head. Know that they will go for your underarm, pubic, leg or arm hair if you do not have the required 1/2 inch on your head.The third type of test is a Blood test. Blood testing is usually performed for serious employment positions or when you are applying for insurance policies. This is expensive and not very common.The fourth type of test is the Saliva test. This is not common and can only detect toxins used 3-4 days prior. Insurance companies and law enforcement agencies use this method most often.The most obvious way to pass a drug test is to not have any drugs in your body they can detect. If you don't use anything, you have nothing to worry about

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Passing a drug test made easy

We specialize in many drug testing scenarios such as blood drug test, hair drug test, saliva drug test, urine drug test, as well as pass drug test marijuana tests.
Our products are made from the purest and most natural ingredients to naturally and effectively cleanse your body without the substitute of damaging chemicals that are currently existant in some of the competitor's product lines.
Call tolll free 877-286-7068

Friday, October 3, 2008

Completely Clean 877-286-7068

Urine Testing

Detection periods for barbiturates vary greatly depending on the specific barbiturate being used. Each barbiturate has a different half-life in the body, meaning they stay around for different periods of time. Shorter acting barbiturates (Allobarbital, Alphenal, Amobarbital, Aprobarbital, Butabarbital, Butalbital, Butethal, Pentobarbital, Secobarbital) can be detected for only 1 to 4 days, while long-acting barbiturates (Barbital, Phenobarbital) can be detected for 2 to 3 weeks.
Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Dilantin, Fiorinal, and Fioricet. Fiorinal and derivatives are often prescribed for migraines and chronic tension headaches.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Drug testing the epidiemic

Drug Testing has become an epidemic! Millions of drug tests are performed every year in the United States alone. Most of these tests are given to people with no "probable cause" which is prohibited by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Still, drug tests are performed every day by thousands of employers, including the government. Here at, we can protect your privacy, your job, your freedom and your Constitutional Rights! We guarantee that you will pass any drug test, even if it's a parole or probation drug test. Are you a recreational drug user who needs to pass a drug test? We have all the information and time tested, effective products guaranteeing that you will beat any drug test or toxin screen.

Passing a drug test made easy.

If you need to pass a drug test, urine drug test, hair drug test, saliva drug test orblood drug test. We have the solution to pass drug tests and drug testing procedures. High quality, all natural drug test detoxification products. 100% money back guarantee. Discreet shipping, discreet payment, shipped in plainboxes with no indication of contents. We respect your privacy. Pass drug testnow. Get it tomorrow with FedEx Overnight.
We have products for all drug test situations and body types. Whether you're an occasional user or have been using daily for years, we have your detox solution. If your not sure which product is right for you, Let us help. By answering just a few questions, we can determine the perfect solution to pass a drug testFor chronic users, choosing the longest detox program you have time for is strongly recommended to pass a drug test.
Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Completely Clean guaranteed you pass your drug test

The easiest way to beat a drug test is not to take drugs long enough before the test so your system is clean, but not everyone can do that. We can help you pass a drug test with our highly effective drug detox product, like pass drug test hair free, can kids pass hair drug test if they are using drugs, pass drug test urine, how to pass urine drug test, passing urine drug screens, body cleansing detoxify, cleansing diet detoxify, heroin detox programs in new jersey, detoxify diet, effective drug test pass. Protect your rights and guaranteed to pass a drug test!
Thank you for shopping with us; your business is greatly appreciated. We stand behind what we sell and are dedicated to personal service

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Drug testing products

Passing drug tests is so easy with our drug testing products. We help people pass drug tests for job pre-employment drug tests, random drug tests, military drug tests, and pass supervised drug tests.
To talk to a drug test expert with questions call toll-free: (877) 286-7068 Business hours: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST, Monday through Fridayor use

Home drug testing kits
Home Drug Testing Kits
To protect privacy, home drug testing kits can be ordered on the Internet and shipped in nondescriptive packaging. The accuracy of the most popular test kits is comparable to labs and medical clinics at a fraction of the price. Results usually appear within minutes and are easy to read by the average person in the convenience of their own home.

1-Panel Urine TestBe sure! Test yourself First!

One-step tests accurately detects drug metabolites
Easy to use and works very fast
Extremely reliable results
Conforms to NIDA/SAMHSA approved guidelines
Cost effective and light-weight Drug testing yourself or others is a very popular practice for a plethora of reasons. iScreen has been on the forefront of fast, easy to use, and accurate at home drug test kits and panels for years. Urinalysis drug test panels are available for the following drugs:
Methamphetamines & Amphetamines
PCP Great way to drug test in the privacy of your own home on yourself or others.

5 Panel Urine TestTest in the Privacy of your own home
Tests for 5 drug metabolites
A brand new product to drug test for marijuana (THC) & other drugs
Simple one-step drug test
Accurately detects five drug metabolites, including marijuana
Reliable results within minutes
Simultaneously tests for THC (marijuana), cocaine, methamphetamines, amphetamines, opiates, and PCP
Conforms to NIDA/SAMHSA approved guidelines
Extremely easy to use and very cost effective

Passing your drug test completely clean

Do you realize that life is passing you by? Isn't it time to do something about it? Think about your career, education and your loved ones. Sometimes Passing a Drug Test is all that stands between you and your dream job and your financial security. Our Detox Products will help you to pass any type test. Just let us know if you are going to have saliva, urine, blood or hair test and we will help you to select the best product for your situation.
We provide Detox Drinks & Pills, Synthetic Urine, Urine Additives, Pretox Capsules, Whole Body Cleansing Programs, Cleansing Soft gels, Detox Kits, Test Kits and Cleansing Shampoos.
All our products 100% safe, undetectable and easy to use!
Call Toll free 877-286-7068

Monday, September 29, 2008

Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Pass a Random Drug Test
We offer many ways to pass a drug test. The products listed below are some of our easiest & most convenient when you want a drink or herbal cleanser with quick cleansing power. Plus the we offer the choice of our Magnum synthetic Urine or Urine Luck additive for that extra strength dose. Simply choose which product best fits your test and then just place the order. All of the products will keep you clean with a clinically-proven cleansing power for up to five full hours. Click Here

Detox Products to pass any drug test

What makes your body toxic?
Each year the average American consumes 150 lbs of sugar and 566 cans of soft drinks (“liquid candy”) . According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that is equal to “52 teaspoonfuls of added sugars per person per day.” Can you imagine yourself sitting at the kitchen table gobbling down 52 teaspoons of white sugar – every single day? Well, that’s exactly what most of us are doing without even realizing it!
Junk food consumption has increased drastically in the last few decades. Compared to 1981, in 2001 the average American consumed in one year: 45 large bags of potato chips - up 78%; 120 orders of French fries - up 130%; 190 candy bars - up 80%; 120 pastries or desserts - up 95%; 150 slices of pizza - up 143%
"My body basically fell apart"
What long-term effects may we expect from such progressive dietary degeneration? A shocking movie called Super Size Me documents precisely what physical and psychological changes take place when one consumes too much junk food. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock decided to become a human guinea pig by eating three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald’s. The film centers around the impact this had on his health and life. As reported by the New York Post on January 22, 2004.:

“Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries and dozens of chocolate shakes later, the formerly strapping 6-foot-2 New Yorker - who started out at a healthy 185 pounds - had packed on 25 pounds. But his supersized shape was the least of his problems. Within a few days of beginning his drive-through diet, Spurlock, 33, was vomiting out the window of his car, and doctors who examined him were shocked at how rapidly Spurlock's entire body deteriorated.

Total detox pass any drug test

Three Day Total Detox Series
Designed for light to moderate toxin use, (twice a week or less).
A three part system that produces the results you want and need in a very short period of time! This system includes a regiment of fluids and cleansing pills, anti-toxin solution assured to finish the job.For Questions about what level is best for you contact us now with 24 hour email. Formulated for the Moderate user {Moderate 7 X 10 a month} Designed for light to moderate toxin use, (twice a week or less). A three-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, saliva. This kit removes all toxins. Comes with one easy to use personal drug test kit!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Completely Clean

Worried about passing a drug test? Well, worry no more. We are here to help you with our online detox store. Our detox products are made using the best materials and the best of techniques by the best producers. They make use of herbal and alternative methods for detoxification of your system. Some well-known magazines like Glamour, Muscle Media, Men's Health and Whole Foods have written about these products being fully safe, reliable and providing efficient results. We guarantee you 100% results with our products. You can easily undergo a quick detoxification of your system using our products and pass a drug test.
We pay due respect to the confidentiality of our customers and care for them. These products will be shipped to you in plain boxes so as to protect your privacy. You can login, create an account with us and shop with confidence without worrying about your privacy.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Guaranteed to pass a drug test

Passing your drug test will be easy if you purchase the right products for the drug test you need to pass. It is easy as clicking your mouse, buying the product, and following the instructions that come with the product you select. Passing a drug test is easy if you take the right steps and use the BEST product Guaranteed to work for you. Considering the alternatives, this is the most affordable way to pass your drug test. We guarantee it!

Seven day detox

Designed for the heaviest of toxin use, heavy daily use. A seven-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, saliva.This kit removes all toxins
Seven Day Detoxification Formula - Designed for heaviest daily toxin use. A seven-day permanent body purification system for blood, urine, and saliva. This kit removes all toxins and it comes with four easy to use personal drug test kits of your choice.We recommend this product for people over 180lb with heavy toxin intake. This program is designed for users who have used multiple times a day for multiple years.This is the strongest program we offer to remove all drugs. $109.95
click here

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Crack coaine

In pre-Columbian times, the coca leaf was officially reserved for Inca royalty. The natives used coca for mystical, religious, social, nutritional and medicinal purposes. Coqueros exploited its stimulant properties to ward off fatigue and hunger, enhance endurance, and to promote a benign sense of well-being. Coca was initially banned by the Spanish. In 1551 the Bishop of Cuzco outlawed coca use on pain of death because it was "an evil agent of the Devil". The noted 16th century orthodox Catholic artist Don Diego De Robles declared that "coca is a plant that the devil invented for the total destruction of the natives." But the invaders discovered that without the Incan "gift of the gods", the natives could barely work the fields - or mine gold. So it came to be cultivated even by the Catholic Church. Coca leaves were distributed three or four times a day to the workers during brief rest-breaks.
Returning Spanish conquistadores introduced coca to Europe. Even Shakespeare may have smoked it - and inhaled. The coca plant is perishable and travels poorly. Yet coca was touted as "an elixir of life". In 1814, an editorial in Gentleman's Magazine urged researchers to begin experimentation so that coca could be used as "a substitute for food so that people could live a month, now and then, without eating..."

Types of drug testing

TEST TYPESThere are five primary types of drug tests: urine, blood, hair, saliva, and sweat. Most common is the urine test which has the benefit of being inexpensive and less intrusive than the blood test.
Urine Tests
Are the least expensive of the test methods (~$7-$50 for home version).
Are considered an intrusive method of testing.
Can be done at home (for example by parents) though require lab verification for accurate results.
Detect use primarily within the past week (longer with regular use).
Can be affected by abstaining from use for a period of time before the test.
Are often temperature tested to insure sample integrity.
Saliva Tests
Are a little more expensive than urine testing, but less than hair or blood. (~$15-$75).
Are considered a relatively unintrusive method of drug testing.
Are becoming more common.
Are easy to administer but require lab processing to ensure accuracy.
Detect use primarily within the past few days.
Can detect more recent use than other testing methods.
Have no nationally accepted standards or cutoff concentrations for detection, making results greatly dependent on the specific product purchased. This could also make results less-reliable and/or acceptable for legal cases.
More reliable for detection of Methamphetamine and Opiates, less reliable for THC or Cannabinoids (2004).
Hair Tests
Are currently several times more expensive than urine tests (~$100-$150).
Are considered a relatively unintrusive method of drug testing.
Detect substance use over a longer period (see detection period).
Do not usually detect use within the past week.
Require a sample of hair about the diameter of a pencil and 1.5 inches long. They can not be done with a single hair.
Test positive a little more than twice as often as a urine test. In a recent study, out of 1823 paired hair and urine samples, 57 urine samples tested positive for drugs of abuse; while 124 hair samples from the same group tested positive.
Are not significantly affected by brief periods of abstinence from drugs.
Can sometimes be used to determine when use occured and if it has been discontinued. Drugs, such as opiates (codeine, morphine, heroin) lay down on the hair shaft very tightly and are shown not to migrate along the shaft, thus, if a long segment of hair is available one can draw some "relative" conclusions about when the use occurred. However cocaine, although very easy to detect, is able to migrate along the shaft; making it very difficult to determine when the drug was used and for how long.
Claims to be able to reliably differentiate between opiate and poppy seed use.
We've heard that many hair tests now check for more than the SAMHSA-5, and include at least Cannabis, Ecstasy/MDMA, Cocaine, Opiates, Methamphetamine, Amphetamine, Phencyclidine (PCP), Benzodiazepines, & Barbiturates (2001).
Blood Tests
Are the most expensive method of testing.
Are considered the most intrusive method of testing.
Are the most accurate method of testing.
Are the least common method of testing
Toll free 877-286-7068

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How to pass your drug test for thc Marijuana

Our THC/Marijuana Detox Kits are made from all natural ingredients. They contain a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal cleansers that produce successful results when put to the test by people just like you every day. While products are 100% undetectable and all natural, they perform as an all natural body cleansers and don't just camouflage toxins in your body.
Call toll Free 877-286-7068


Abuse of ketamine (pronounced Kee-ta-meen) goes hand in hand with gamma hydroxy butyrate (GHB) and MDMA (Ecstasy). Where you find one, you will likely find the others. All three are very popular with the RAVE party crowd. Ketamine hcl, a cat tranquilizer and the most commonly used anesthetic in the Vietnam War, is also used in sexual assault on occasion since it puts the victim in a frozen state for at least a brief period of time. It was big in the 70’s with New Age types like Dr. John Lilly (the model for the William Hurt character in the movie Altered States) and Timothy Leary.In order for a vial of ketamine to be in an abuser’s hand, someone has already smuggled it in from Mexico or robbed or burglarized a vet clinic or pharmacy, or in some other manner diverted the product for illicit use. In spite of that fact, ketamine is a Schedule III Controlled Substance. It should more appropriately be a Schedule II substance so that doctors and vets have to control their inventory of ketamine and provide security for it. Ketamine is essentially a less-potent version of PCP. While ketamine and GHB and MDMA provide out of body experiences and whack reality quite a bit, it is still a bit below the out-to-lunch level of PCP trips. But, of course, that varies with the amount taken and other drugs combined with it. And, flashbacks from ketamine are common.
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First, ketamine is in current use as both a veternary and ahuman anesthetic. It is called "dissociative" in action, whichmeans that the mind is "separated" from the body. In manycases, this separation results in profound hallucinations andthe sensation of entering another reality. In human use, abenzodiazapine like Versed is generally used along withketamine to induce amnesia concerning the "emergencereactions".The most easily obtained reference about ketamine isthe Physicians Desk Reference. Under the heading "Ketalar",this gives a great deal of information about the drug. Ofcourse, since this is a general medical reference, much of theinfo of interest to mind-l is not present, but it should beread anyway. Perhaps the most important property of ketamine is that,despite the induction of both anesthesia and dissociation, thecough and gag reflexes *USUALLY* are not affected. This meansthat, contrary to most other agents which will produceanesthesia and/or unconsciousness, it is very unlikely that aperson using ketamine will aspirate their own saliva and otherexcretions. This is *NOT* guarenteed, but is a pretty goodbet. Solo use, however, remains dangerous.Ketamine is generally available for non-medical uses asketamine hydrochloride. Some major chemical houses carry it ata cost of about $10/gm. I don't know if there are othersources which are cheaper, or if the veterinary form is easilyavailable. Dosages are discussed in the PDR, but are generally in therange of 100-500 mg. Conventional useage is intravenous orintramuscular, but "recreational" use is apparently more oftenthrough insufflation (snorting) or solution ingestion. Theselatter approaches are probably only effective with thehydrochloride form, but the reported doses are similar to theconventional medical doses. If this is you go seek medical help!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The use of LSD

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is one of the major drugs making up the hallucinogen class. LSD was discovered in 1938 and is one of the most potent mood-changing chemicals. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.
LSD, commonly referred to as "acid," is sold on the street in tablets, capsules, and, occasionally, liquid form. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste and is usually taken by mouth. Often LSD is added to absorbent paper, such as blotter paper, and divided into small decorated squares, with each square representing one dose.
The Drug Enforcement Administration reports that the strength of LSD samples obtained currently from illicit sources ranges from 20 to 80 micrograms of LSD per dose. This is considerably less than the levels reported during the 1960s and early 1970s, when the dosage ranged from 100 to 200 micrograms, or higher, per unit.
Health Hazards
The effects of LSD are unpredictable. They depend on the amount taken; the user's personality, mood, and expectations; and the surroundings in which the drug is used. Usually, the user feels the first effects of the drug 30 to 90 minutes after taking it. The physical effects include dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, and tremors.Sensations and feelings change much more dramatically than the physical signs. The user may feel several different emotions at once or swing rapidly from one emotion to another. If taken in a large enough dose, the drug produces delusions and visual hallucinations. The user's sense of time and self changes. Sensations may seem to "cross over," giving the user the feeling of hearing colors and seeing sounds. These changes can be frightening and can cause panic.Users refer to their experience with LSD as a "trip" and to acute adverse reactions as a "bad trip." These experiences are long; typically they begin to clear after about 12 hours.Some LSD users experience severe, terrifying thoughts and feelings, fear of losing control, fear of insanity and death, and despair while using LSD. Some fatal accidents have occurred during states of LSD intoxication.Many LSD users experience flashbacks, recurrence of certain aspects of a person's experience, without the user having taken the drug again. A flashback occurs suddenly, often without warning, and may occur within a few days or more than a year after LSD use. Flashbacks usually occur in people who use hallucinogens chronically or have an underlying personality problem; however, otherwise healthy people who use LSD occasionally may also have flashbacks. Bad trips and flashbacks are only part of the risks of LSD use. LSD users may manifest relatively long-lasting psychoses, such as schizophrenia or severe depression. It is difficult to determine the extent and mechanism of the LSD involvement in these illnesses.Most users of LSD voluntarily decrease or stop its use over time. LSD is not considered an addictive drug since it does not produce compulsive drug-seeking behavior, as do cocaine, amphetamine, heroin, alcohol, and nicotine. However, like many of the addictive drugs, LSD produces tolerance, so some users who take the drug repeatedly must take progressively higher doses to achieve the state of intoxication that they had previously achieved. This is an extremely dangerous practice, given the unpredictability of the drug.

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Completely Clean
Office hours 9am - 7pm
Mon-Sat. EST 877-286-7068

Monday, September 22, 2008


Photo of a meth user's mouth. Copyright Dr. Chris Heringlake, DDS, St. Cloud Correctional Facility.
What makes methamphetamine such an attractive high? Meth users report that after taking the drug they experience a sudden "rush" of pleasure or a prolonged sense of euphoria, as well as increased energy, focus, confidence, sexual prowess and feelings of desirability. However, after that first try, users require more and more of the drug to get that feeling again, and maintain it. With repeated use, methamphetamine exacts a toll on the mind and body, robbing users of their physical health and cognitive abilities, their libido and good looks, and their ability to experience pleasure. Here's how the body reacts to meth and the consequences of long-term abuse.

Detox products Completely Clean

Passing a drug test is essential in many occasions in our everyday life. Are you subject to random drug testing, an athlete, starting a new job, or on parole? Never be intimidated by a drug test again. Our detox products guarantee your success at passing any drug test. We guarantee that you will pass your urine drug test with our detox drinks and capsules, synthetic urine or urine additive. We offer mouthwash for saliva swab tests that comes with a 5-times your money back guarantee.
Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Sunday, September 21, 2008

passing your drug test

How to pass a drug test
Drug test infromation

How to Prepare for a Marijuana Drug Test
Click On The Product Name For More Information And to Purchase.
Purified Instant 16 oz Drink
Complete Detox Tea
One Panel Drug Test
Magnum 16 oz Detox Drink
Strip Extra Strength 32 0z
Per-Tox Capsules
Magnum synthetic Urine
Moderate User Kit
#60 Quick Flush Caps
Five Day Complete Detox
Test Pure 16 oz Drink
***Quick Fix Urine Substitute ***

Class 101
How to Prepare for a Marijuana Drug Test - Most people taking a drug test are concerned with marijuana because it stays in the body the longest. This is because the body stores the drug metabolite in the fat cells of the body. The short term and long term approach to cleaning the body for a marijuana drug test are exactly opposite. Day 0 - 2 before the test- Stop smoking, eat large meals, no skipping meals, no exercising, no sugars fruits or fruit juices. This is the exact opposite of the steps above. If the marijuana is excreted the individual will test positive. At this point the tester does not want to excrete any marijuana but keep it all in their bodies. This is accomplished by preventing fat from burning. It is very simple; get rid of fat and fail your test. Therefore the tester must stop the body from burning fat by eating correctly and not exercising. Days 2 - 30 before the test - Stop smoking, diet and exercise. These three steps which burn fat also rid the body of the marijuana metabolite. The marijuana metabolites are stored in the fat cells. To keep from testing positive the marijuana has to be removed from the fat cells in the body. It is very simple; get rid of fat and get rid of marijuana. The marijuana is then excreted through the urine and bowels. However, the future tester does not want to be excreting marijuana on the day of the test.

Pass drug testing completely clean

How to pass the standard drug tests required by many employers. The easiest way to pass such a test is not to take the drugs being tested for. But if you have so indulged and are willing to risk the consequences of tampering with a drug test (which at best, means keeping the job or at worst, breaking the law in some states) then this article will be of assistance..
Toll Free 877-286-7068

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pass your drug test 877-286-7068

Are you curious as to how we actually know the products work that we offer to you?All of our detoxifying/synthetic products, such as our drug test kits and synthetic urine are laboratory tested by drug testing labs as well as our own in-house lab. From drug screens, including litmus paper, EMIT and FPIA screens to GC/MS testing.
how to pass a drug test

Drug test detection table 877-286-7068

Approximate values for detection periods
3–5 days via ethyl gluconoride (EtG) metabolite or 10–12 hours via traditional method
lifetime of hair
12 hours
Amphetamines (except meth)
1 to 2 days
up to 90 days
12 hours
2 to 4 days
up to 90 days
24 hours
Barbiturates (except phenobarbital)
2 to 3 days
up to 90 days
1 to 2 days
7 to 14 days
up to 90 days
4 to 7 days
Therapeutic use: 3 days. Chronic use (over one year): 4 to 6 weeks
up to 90 days
6 to 48 hours
Light use: 2-7 days
Prolonged use: 1-3 months
Up to 90 days
12 hours
2 to 4 days with exceptions for certain kidney disorders
up to 90 days
24 hours
1 day
up to 30 days
12 hours
Cotinine (a break-down product of nicotine)
2 to 4 days
up to 90 days
2 to 4 days
2 days
up to 90 days
6 hours
2 days (single use) 2-5 (chronic)
up to 90 days
6 hours
2 to 24 hours
up to 3 days
0 to 3 hours
3 days
up to 30 days
24 hours
14 days; up to 30 days in chronic

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pass your drug test

Employee drug testing is exceedingly common as the "War on Drugs" escalates and corporations seem to be above the law. Military drug tests carry harsh punishments upon a failed drug test and are a habitual, but unfortunate, reality for those who serve in the armed forces. People on parole or probation must submit to supervised drug testing, and therefore must be very careful to either stay away from drugs or use proven, guaranteed products to maintain their right to freedom. Our current political climate says you are guilty until a drug test proves your innocence. Were here to help you keep your privacy, your job, and your freedom! or Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Detox Completely Clean 877-286-7068

How To Pass A Drug Test -----> Completely Clean
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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Drug testing THC how to pass your drug test

WHAT DO THEY TEST FOR?The first thing to know about drug testing is what the standard test looks for. What is being tested for varies greatly based on testing company, expense, expectations, federal requirements, etc. Following is a description of what to expect from the standard tests.
The SAMHSA-5 #Federal government guidelines (by SAMHSA-the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) require that companies which use commercial class drivers licenses for employees must have a testing system in place. Among other things, this required testing program must test for 5 specific categories of drugs (referred to as the "SAMHSA 5", previously called the "NIDA-5"). Because of this federal requirement, most drug testing companies offer a basic drug test that checks for drugs in these 5 common categories. Click on the substance name for a description of the laboratory method for detecting the substance.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The world of drug testing

Our shop offers detoxification products for preparation for passing drug tests such as pre employment and employee drug testing for blood, urine, hair and saliva.Passing drug tests is easy with our products. Our detoxify products can not be detected. The active ingredients are all natural and things you might normally take in day to day life.We offer a product to help you achieve your desired results including the specific needs of individuals with higher toxin levels or larger body mass. If a urine drug test blood drug test or saliva drug test samples are taken at this time, you will pass your drug test. how to pass a drug test 877-286-7068

Pass a drug test with Completely Clean

If you need to pass a drug test, urine drug test, hair drug test, saliva drug testor blood drug test. We have the solution to pass drug tests and drug testingprocedures. High quality, all natural drug detoxification products. 100% moneyback guarantee. Discreet shipping, discreet payment, shipped in plain boxeswith no indication of contents. We respect your privacy. Pass drug test now.Get it tomorrow with FedEx Overnight.

Passing your drug test 877-286-7068

Are you curious to know as to how to pass a drug test? Do you have a forthcoming drug test and are you uncertain as to whether you would test positive? Read through this article and get to know the step by step instructions on passing a drug test with ease.
To start with, understand as to what you are aiming at. What is the time frame within which you will have to get prepared to appear for the drug test? What type of test are you going to undergo? What is the testing method that is going to be used? It is very critical that you are clear with the answers for these queries. Before you could go ahead, beware of the types and methods used for the drug test.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pass any drug test 877-286-7068

there may come a time in a stoners life where they need to take a drug test for some reason. in todays day and age, there are a variety of last minute solutions that you can pick up in just about any head shop. they cost a good chunk of change, and often come with promises of money back guarantees if you end up failing the test. i present to you a routine that when done regularily, will greatly enhance your ability to pass a drug test(u/a). everything bolded is what i would consider vitally important. this is not a miracle one day cure, it is a proactive form of preventative maintenance that, when the time comes for you to take a drug test, will only require you to stop getting high to pass. first step is eating healthy. get the fast food and deep fried stuff out of your diet. raw fruits and veggies are excellent. steak, hamburgers, turkey, its all good if you can keep the greasy crap out of ya. also, eating less, more times a day(6 to 8 small meals is preferable to 2-3 full stuffings) is good for increasing your bodys metabolism by keeping it constantly active throughout the day.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How to pass a drug test 877-286-7068

The best thing you can do for yourself is test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot. Test about twice weekly until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Don’t let your best friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s experience be your guide. Every BODY is different.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Completely Clean Pass your drug test

Want to pass drug tests without any risks? You’re in the right place! You don’t need to search the Internet anymore. Here you will find all necessary information and quality products to pass all existing drug tests. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Welcome to

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pass your drug test completely clean

Welcome. Are you interested in how to pass a drug test? We offer information and products to ensure you pass your drug tests easily. We’ll provide you with information that’ll give you confidence as you submit a sample of your urine, saliva, hair or blood for drug testing. Our free informative drug testing articles will let you know what to expect as you go through the drug testing process. Well warn you of the pitfalls of home remedies, and give you proven solutions to your drug test dilemmas.Employee drug testing is exceedingly common as the "War on Drugs" escalates and corporations seem to be above the law. Military drug tests carry harsh punishments upon a failed drug test and are a habitual, but unfortunate, reality for those who serve in the armed forces. People on parole or probation must submit to supervised drug testing, and therefore must be very careful to either stay away from drugs or use proven, guaranteed products to maintain their right to freedom. Our current political climate says you are guilty until a drug test proves your innocence. Were here to help you keep your privacy, your job, and your freedom!

How to pass your drug test

Completely Clean offers many ways for everyone over 18 to pass a drug test easily. We don't just offer products to ensure a passing drug test, we go a step further and bring you loads of useful drug testing information to help you understand the whole drug testing process. Employee drug tests are on the rise and corporations make up their own rules these days.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Passing a drug test.

People interested in passing a drug test should know that new government drug testing guidelines now include that all laboratories perform a specimen integrity check before testing for drugs. What this means is that they are no longer only looking for marijuana and other illicit drugs but also for additives, dilution, and most of the available adulterants/masking products

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How long does marijuana stay in your system

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in your System
January 22nd, 2008 by ddetox
This is the single most frequently asked question. It is impossible for anyone to estimate the time it would take for someone to test clean. The best thing you can do for yourself is test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot. Test about twice weekly until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Don’t let your best friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s experience be your guide. Every BODY is different
We can help you pass any drug test Completely Clean
Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Passing your drug test

Drug Testing has become an epidemic! Millions of drug tests are performed every year in the United States alone. Most of these tests are given to people with no "probable cause" which is prohibited by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Still, drug tests are performed every day by thousands of employers, including the government.
Here at, we can protect your privacy, your job, your freedom and your Constitutional Rights! We guarantee that you will pass any drug test You can call 8am until midnight, 6 days a week (East Coast Time) and speak with a representative who will be happy to help you. We know that drug testing can be very scary! We give you whatever you need so that you can go to the drug lab with confidence, knowing that you will pass.
Call Toll Free 877-286-7068

Monday, July 7, 2008

Pass your drug test completely Clean

This is the single most frequently asked question. It is impossible for anyone to estimate the time it would take for someone to test clean. The best thing you can do for yourself is test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot. Test about twice weekly until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Don’t let your best friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s experience be your guide. Every BODY is different.
Toll free 877-286-7068

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Urine Analysis How to pass a drug test

Requirements for all Urine samples:
1. Color
If a urine sample looks clear, the lab will suspect that it's watered down. They can not report it as positive, but they will do a conformation test to look closer at pH range, specific gravity, and creatinine content, if out of any of these levels are out of range they will reject the sample and inform your employer that you tried to beat the test. If this happens, the sample might as well be positive, because you won't get hired. Have your substitute donor take vitamin b complex before giving the urine sample. Fake-It has a natural color, vitamin B can have a florescent color.
2. Temperature
Urine should be collected between 91 and 99 degrees. NIDA certified labs will verify temperature. If out of temperature range you fail.
3. Creatinine
Creatinine is a waste product of creatine, which is amino-acid contained in muscle tissue and it shows up in urine. Creatinine levels drop below normal when people dilute their urine, This tests is to ensure that the subject didn't drink unusual amounts of water or some "sucker clean". An *accurate* creatinine "clearance" test would require a urine and blood test 24 hours before the drug test to determine the normal creatinine level for that individual, this is almost never done so a guideline of 5 (ng/ml). l has been set as a low point .Detox Drinks flush and dilute the specific gravity and creatine levels.
4. pH
pH: Normal urine pH ranges from 4.5 to 8.0. Values below pH 4.0 or above pH 9.0 are indicative of adulteration. pH is often changed when people spike their sample with household products or masking agents. Use caution when doping urine, pH will be tested for.
5. Specific Gravity
Random urine may vary in specific gravity from 1.003-1.030. Normal adults with normal diets and normal fluid intake will have an average urine specific gravity of 1.016-1.0227. Elevated urine specific gravity value may be obtained in the presence of moderate quantities of protein. DOT guidelines1 state that a urine specimen with specific gravity level of less than 1.003 is an indication of adulteration.
An unusual specific gravity indicates that a sample has been tampered with. When you drink too much water, sucker clean or add water to a sample the specific gravity will crash. they will do a dilution conformation test to look closer at pH range, specific gravity, and creatinine content, if out of range they will reject the sample.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Occasional Drug Use Pass any drug test

While Completely Clean strongly opposes drug use on the job, we think no one should be forced to submit to urine testing, especially for marijuana. Aside from launching a legal challenge, your best defense against urine testing is to be clean. Unfortunately, this may be difficult since urine tests may detect marijuana 1-5 days after an occasional use, 1-3 weeks in regular users, and 4-6 weeks in multiple daily users. . However, recognizing that many of you may face drug testing on short notice, we offer the following advice for emergencies with our best wishes.
call toll free 877-286-7068