Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to clean your system of drugs

The drugs you did last night, the drugs you did last week and the drugs you did last New Year's Eve-they're all in there, embedded or encoded in your urine, sweat, hair, saliva and blood. Not so long ago, the body was inviolate, a temple the law could not enter, but bad science and contemptible courts have since combined to make drug testing a part of American life, giving rise to a multibillion-dollar-per-year industry that exists solely to break the body into measurable pieces and detail your private life for the benefit of your employer or your government. Despite the Fourth Amendment's clear guarantee of a right to privacy, courts have granted increasingly broad authority for random, suspicionless drug testing, and what was unthinkable in this country a generation ago is now taken for granted today. But the news is not all bad.

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