Monday, March 31, 2008

Completely Clean Top End Detox Products

While Completely Clean strongly opposes drug use on the job, we think no one should be forced to submit to urine testing, especially for marijuana. Aside from launching a legal challenge, your best defense against urine testing is to be clean. Unfortunately, this may be difficult since urine tests may detect marijuana 1-5 days after an occasional use, 1-3 weeks in regular users, and 4-6 weeks in multiple daily users. Since urine tests do not detect the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, THC, but rather other, nonactive metabolites, they in no way measure impairment; nonetheless, this fact is of no account to employers in today's anti-drug hysteria. If you are on the job market, it is prudent to expect being tested and avoid marijuana. However, recognizing that many of you may face drug testing on short notice, we offer the following advice for emergencies.
Toll Free 877-286-7068

Sunday, March 16, 2008

detox foods pass any drug test

Green leafy vegetables. Eat them raw, throw them into a broth, add them to juices. Their chlorophyll helps swab out environmental toxins (heavy metals, pesticides) and is an all-round liver protector.
Lemons. You need to keep the fluids flowing to wash out the body and fresh lemonade is ideal. Its vitamin C - considered the detox vitamin - helps convert toxins into a water - soluble form that?s easily flushed away.
Watercress. Put a handful into salads, soups, and sandwiches. The peppery little green leaves have a diuretic effect that helps move things through your system. And cress is rich in minerals too.
Garlic. Add it to everything - salads, sauces, spreads. In addition to the bulb's cardio benefits, it activates liver enzymes that help filter out junk.
Green tea. This antioxidant-rich brew is one of the healthiest ways to get more fluids into your system. Bonus: It contains catechins, which speed up liver activity.
Broccoli sprouts. Get 'em at your health-food store. They pack 20 to 50 times more cancer-fighting, enzyme-stimulating activity into each bite than the grown-up vegetable.
Sesame seeds. They're credited with protecting liver cells from the damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals. For a concentrated form, try tahini, the yummy sesame seed paste that?s a staple of Asian cooking.
Cabbage. There are two main types of detoxifying enzymes in the liver; this potent veggie helps activate both of them. Coleslaw, anyone?
Psyllium. A plant that?s rich in soluble fiber, like oat bran, but more versatile. It mops up toxins (cholesterol too) and helps clear them out. Stir powdered psyllium into juice to help cleanse your colon, or have psyllium-fortified Bran Buds for breakfast.
Fruits, fruits, fruits. They're full of almost all the good things above - vitamin C, fiber, nutritious fluids, and all kinds of antioxidants. Besides, nothing tastes better than a ripe mango, fresh berries, or a perfect pear.
Toll Free 877-286-7068

Drug Testing Detox Products

How To Pass Your Drug Test Completely Clean
As many of you already know, drug testing is becoming more and more popular throughout the world. 81% of all companies surveyed now perform tests to determine whether you are a user and possible hazard to their company. Insurance agencies and courts are also major drug testers.So the question anyone that has to take a drug test asks is, How Do I Make Sure I Pass?There are basically four types of tests that they perform.The first and most popular is the Urine test. This procedure usually involves you going into the bathroom and filling up a cup with your urine. They either use a test card right then for immediate results or send it away to a lab to get tested through a sophisticated gas analyzer.The second type of test is a Hair Follicle test. Hair testing is quite accurate and can go back 6 months, showing all of the toxins you used in a sort of timeline. Many people try to get around this by just shaving their head. Know that they will go for your underarm, pubic, leg or arm hair if you do not have the required 1/2 inch on your head.The third type of test is a Blood test. Blood testing is usually performed for serious employment positions or when you are applying for insurance policies. This is expensive and not very common.The fourth type of test is the Saliva test. This is not common and can only detect toxins used 3-4 days prior. Insurance companies and law enforcement agencies use this method most often.The most obvious way to pass a drug test is to not have any drugs in your body they can detect. If you don't use anything, you have nothing to worry about. Passing a drug test is not as difficult as you may think. Toxins in your system do not stay forever . The first thing you need to do is check out how long each toxin remains in your system. Answer a few questions and you'll know how long it will really take for you to get clean.As for those of you that email us with questions about what you can use that is in your house, let us save each other some time and tell you the following do not work and are 100% myths. Do not base your future on hearsay. Go with a product guaranteed to work. Email Completelyclean@passyourdrugtest
Call toll free 877-286-7068

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pass a drug test Completely Clean

Here at Completely Clean we know what kind of pressure you're under to pass your drug test. Whether it's, employment drug testing to keep the job that you already have, or probation , we can guarantee that you will pass your drug test!Our expert staff will answer any of your drug testing questions with the most up-to-date information. The most common form of drug testing is the urine drug test. We have everything you need to pass, even if someone is watching you.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Completely Clean .....pass your drug test

All you need to pass a drug test. How to pass a drug test, drug test explanation, passing drug tests, home drug test, pass drug test marijuana, drug test passing, saliva drug test, pass a drug test, pass urine drug test, pass marijuana drug test, drug testing advice, pass hair drug test, pass saliva drug test, pass blood drug test.